Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Desktop Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0 1
libfm-qt LGPL-2.1 83% 2,542 7,582 217 53 9
liblxqt GPL-3.0 85% 235 1,479 28 11
LXimage-qt GPL-2.0 88% 1,188 3,213 69 89 33
LXimage-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXimage-qt repository. GPL-2.0 93% 9 17 1
LXQt-about GPL-2.0 87% 143 833 14 24 1
LXQt-about Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-about repository. GPL-2.0 97% 3 8
LXQt-archiver GPL-2.0 87% 946 3,434 145 54 17
LXQt-archiver Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-archiver repository. GPL-2.0 95% 6 22
LXQt-runner GPL-2.0 74% 332 1,033 21 40
LXQt-runner Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-runner repository. GPL-2.0 95% 2 2
LXQt Wallet GPL-2.0 85% 132 2,279 3 6 2
PCManFm-qt GPL-3.0 78% 5,124 20,829 240 192 36
PcManFm-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0 95% 6 26
PcManFm-qt Menu Entry (Desktop Preferences) This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0 96% 4 18
Qlipper GPL-2.0 84% 406 1,716 19 5
qps GPL-2.0 75% 2,974 8,575 184 73 12
qps Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/qps repository. GPL-2.0 97% 3 12
QTerminal GPL-2.0 76% 2,186 8,980 113 58 4
QTerminal DropDown Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0 87% 17 55 2
QTerminal Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0 89% 21 37 3
qtermwidget GPL-2.0 86% 149 620 15 25 7
ScreenGrab GPL-2.0 82% 1,065 4,187 125 1 14
ScreenGrab Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/ScreenGrab repository. GPL-2.0 96% 4 7 3 1
Project website
Instructions for translators

Welcome to the LXQt-Weblate Platform!

For adding language files that are not already present please contact administrators.

Credits for translations (shown in LXQt-About) can be inserted in lxqt/lxqt-about/tree/master/translatorsinfo/

Translation license GPL-2.0 LXQt-about LXQt-archiver GPL-2.0 LXQt-about Menu Entry QTerminal DropDown Menu Entry Qlipper QTerminal Menu Entry Desktop Module Name PcManFm-qt Menu Entry (Desktop Preferences) qps Menu Entry LXQt-archiver Menu Entry qtermwidget QTerminal LXimage-qt Menu Entry LXQt-runner PcManFm-qt Menu Entry qps LXQt Wallet LXimage-qt ScreenGrab Menu Entry ScreenGrab LXQt-runner Module Name GPL-3.0 PCManFm-qt GPL-3.0 liblxqt LGPL-2.1 libfm-qt
Number of strings 94,122
Number of words 316,129
Number of characters 2,021,858
Number of languages 69
Number of source strings 2,029
Number of source words 6,860
Number of source characters 44,204
Language Translated Strings of total Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Arabic 99%
Asturian 6% 6% 1,683 5,594 1 1
Basque 75% 32% 213 841 5 3
Bulgarian 99%
Catalan 98% 98% 22 121
Central Khmer 71% 0% 2 7
Chinese (Simplified) (zh_CN) 98% 97% 31 248 1
Chinese (Traditional) (zh_TW) 97% 77% 33 191 4 2
Croatian 98% 98% 25 143 2 2
Czech 98% 98% 28 164 1
Danish 98% 98% 22 121
Dutch 99% 16
English 51
English (United Kingdom) 63% 62% 740 2,715 24
Esperanto 38% 1% 64 483 3
Estonian 99%
Filipino 35% 8% 311 1,261 8
Finnish 98% 97% 34 142 40 40
French 98% 97% 34 157 2 17
Friulian 76% 27% 178 502
Galician 92% 87% 145 797 14 16
German 99% 99% 2 6 2
German (Switzerland) 88% 19% 51 225 1 1
Greek 99% 12 1
Gujarati 0% 0% 3 7
Hebrew 98% 98% 22 121 10 2
Hindi 51% 43% 812 2,770 2 13
Hungarian 79% 79% 412 1,721 23 31
Icelandic 17% 9% 937 3,157 22
Indonesian 84% 71% 275 1,224 31 28
Interlingua 1% 0% 73 346
Irish 13% 3% 408 1,537 1
Italian 99% 99% 7 16 10
Japanese 94% 93% 113 447 9 4
Kabyle 7% 7% 1,858 6,603
Kazakh 22% 11% 791 2,737 2
Korean 99% 99% 1 1
Latvian 54% 22% 385 1,313 6 3
Lithuanian 99% 98% 12 77 19 136 1
Luganda 94%
Mapudungun 0% 0% 1,894 6,152 1
nds (generated) 0%
Norwegian Bokmål 95% 95% 88 601 2 3 1
Occidental 61% 23% 301 1,689
Occitan 12% 10% 1,459 4,952 1
Odia 0% 0% 316 904
Persian 92% 13% 21 121 10
Polish 99% 41
Portuguese 99% 99% 1 1 3
Portuguese (Brazil) 97% 95% 42 291 18
Punjabi 68% 41% 382 2,043 13
Romanian 64% 21% 247 1,140 6 87
Russian 98% 98% 22 121 3 4
Serbian 76% 5% 34 135 1 2
Serbian (latin) 27% 0% 53 230 1
Serbian (sr_BA) 25% 0% 18 61 1
Sinhala 34% 34% 1,324 4,817 2
Slovak 98% 98% 22 121
Slovenian 34% 23% 905 3,043 3
Spanish 98% 98% 24 125 43
Spanish (Venezuela) 62% 2% 28 140 26
Swedish 52% 1 29
Thai 56% 2% 36 183 3 19
Turkish 98% 98% 22 121 10
Ukrainian 99% 99% 9 50 4 7
Uzbek 0%
Valencian 42% 0% 4 11
Vietnamese 99% 51% 8 59 5
Welsh 73% 68% 510 2,058 995 2
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LXQt Desktop / qtermwidget

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LXQt Desktop / LXimage-qt

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LXQt Desktop / libfm-qt

Pushed changes 49 minutes ago
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LXQt Desktop / PCManFm-qt

Pushed changes 49 minutes ago
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LXQt Desktop / libfm-qtHungarian

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6 hours ago
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LXQt Desktop / libfm-qtHungarian

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6 hours ago
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LXQt Desktop / ScreenGrab

Pushed changes 11 hours ago
Icon to display in file manager, menus, etc.
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New announcement

LXQt Desktop

Keyboard shortcuts translations: In some languages a wrong translation disables the corresponding shortcut.

Frequent examples are canc, Alt, Shift,Home,Up/Down in mainly found in LXQt-archiver, PCManFm-qt and LXimage-qt.

A working shortkey will be displayed in the translated GUI right to the menu item. Cloning source text should always work.

3 years ago
User avatar standreas

New announcement

LXQt Desktop / qps

Note that some translations are not anymore or not already present in the GUI

4 years ago
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New announcement

LXQt Desktop / Qlipper

Updated all *.ts files with new strings.

4 years ago
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New announcement

LXQt Desktop / Qlipper

Note: qlipper translations at the moment are not pushed to but to

4 years ago
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New announcement

LXQt Desktop

Here are grouped all application components of the LXQt Desktop Environment. Good work!

4 years ago
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