Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Desktop Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0
libfm-qt LGPL-2.1 1
liblxqt GPL-3.0
LXimage-qt GPL-2.0 20
LXimage-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXimage-qt repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt-about GPL-2.0
LXQt-about Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-about repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt-archiver GPL-2.0 1
LXQt-archiver Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-archiver repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt-runner GPL-2.0
LXQt-runner Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-runner repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt Wallet GPL-2.0
PCManFm-qt GPL-3.0 9
PcManFm-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0
PcManFm-qt Menu Entry (Desktop Preferences) This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0
Qlipper GPL-2.0 2
qps GPL-2.0 8
qps Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/qps repository. GPL-2.0
QTerminal GPL-2.0
QTerminal DropDown Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0
QTerminal Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0
qtermwidget GPL-2.0
ScreenGrab GPL-2.0
ScreenGrab Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/ScreenGrab repository. GPL-2.0
Project website
Instructions for translators

Welcome to the LXQt-Weblate Platform!

For adding language files that are not already present please contact administrators.

Credits for translations (shown in LXQt-About) can be inserted in lxqt/lxqt-about/tree/master/translatorsinfo/

Translation license GPL-2.0 LXQt-about LXQt-archiver GPL-2.0 LXQt-about Menu Entry QTerminal DropDown Menu Entry Qlipper QTerminal Menu Entry Desktop Module Name PcManFm-qt Menu Entry (Desktop Preferences) qps Menu Entry LXQt-archiver Menu Entry qtermwidget QTerminal LXimage-qt Menu Entry LXQt-runner PcManFm-qt Menu Entry qps LXQt Wallet LXimage-qt ScreenGrab Menu Entry ScreenGrab LXQt-runner Module Name GPL-3.0 PCManFm-qt GPL-3.0 liblxqt LGPL-2.1 libfm-qt
Number of strings 2,018
Number of words 6,801
Number of characters 43,805
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 2,029
Number of source words 6,860
Number of source characters 44,204
User avatar Nixx

New translation

LXQt Desktop / QTerminalPolish

6 days ago
User avatar None

New string to translate

LXQt Desktop / QTerminalPolish

New string to translate 6 days ago
User avatar None

Resource update

LXQt Desktop / QTerminalPolish

Resource update 6 days ago
User avatar None

Resource update

LXQt Desktop / QTerminalPolish

Resource update 8 days ago
User avatar Nixx

Translation changed

LXQt Desktop / PCManFm-qtPolish

Example: -e
It can be left empty if the terminal is already supported
or does not have such an option; required otherwise.
Przykład: -e
Można pozostawić puste, jeśli terminal jest już obsługiwany
lub nie ma takiej opcji; w  przeciwnym razie jest wymagane.
12 days ago
User avatar Nixx

New translation

LXQt Desktop / PCManFm-qtPolish

lxsudo dbus-run-session -- %s
lxsudo dbus-run-session -- %s
12 days ago
User avatar Nixx

New translation

LXQt Desktop / PCManFm-qtPolish

This is optional, depends on the terminal,
and can be any group of custom options.
Opcjonalne, zależy od terminala i może być
dowolną grupą niestandardowych opcji.
12 days ago
User avatar Nixx

New translation

LXQt Desktop / PCManFm-qtPolish

Custom option(s):
Opcje niestandardowe:
12 days ago
User avatar Nixx

New translation

LXQt Desktop / PCManFm-qtPolish

Example: -e
It can be left empty if the terminal is already supported
or does not have such an option; required otherwise.
Przykład: -e
Można pozostawić puste, jeśli terminal jest już obsługiwany
lub nie ma takiej opcji; w przeciwnym razie jest wymagane.
12 days ago
User avatar Nixx

New translation

LXQt Desktop / PCManFm-qtPolish

Execution option:
Opcja wykonania:
12 days ago
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