Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Leave (Category Name in menus) This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/LXQt  Settings (Category Name in menus) repository. LGPL-2.1
liblxqt-config-cursor This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-admin-time This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-admin-user repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-admin-time Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-admin-user repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-admin-user GPL-2.0
lxqt-admin-user Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-admin-user repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-appearance This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-appearance Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-brightness This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-brightness Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-file-associations This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-file-associations Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-input This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-input Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-leave This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-locale This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-locale Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-monitor This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-monitor Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-notificationd This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-notificationd repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-notificationd Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-notificationd repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-powermanagement GPL-3.0
lxqt-config-powermanagement Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-powermanagement repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-session GPL-2.0
lxqt-config-session Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt Configuration Center (Menu Entry) This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-globalkeys GPL-2.0
lxqt-globalkeys Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-globalkeys repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-globalkeys Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-globalkeys repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Hibernate This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Leave Dialog This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Lock Screen This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Logout This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Reboot This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Shutdown This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Suspend This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-notificationd GPL-2.0
lxqt-openssh-askpass GPL-2.0
lxqt-policykit GPL-2.0
lxqt-powermanagement This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-powermanagement repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-powermanagement Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-powermanagement repository. GPL-2.0
lxqt-session This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt Settings (Category Name in menus) LGPL-2.1
lxqt-sudo GPL-2.0
Notification Daemon Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-notificationd repository. GPL-2.0
obconf-qt GPL-2.0
obconf-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/obconf-qt repository. GPL-2.0
Other Settings (Category Name in Configuration Center) This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/LXQt  Settings (Category Name in menus) repository. LGPL-2.1
pavucontrol-qt GPL-2.0
pavucontrol-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/pavucontrol-qt repository. GPL-2.0
policy-kit Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-policykit repository. GPL-2.0
System Settings (in Configuration Center) This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/LXQt  Settings (Category Name in menus) repository. LGPL-2.1
XScreenSaver Autostart Name This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config-session repository. GPL-2.0
Project website
Instructions for translators

Welcome to the LXQt-Weblate Platform!

For adding language files that are not already present please contact administrators.

Credits for translations (shown in LXQt-About) can be inserted in lxqt/lxqt-about/tree/master/translatorsinfo/

Translation license GPL-2.0 obconf-qt GPL-2.0 obconf-qt Menu Entry pavucontrol-qt Menu Entry lxqt-config LXQt Configuration Center (Menu Entry) lxqt-config-monitor lxqt-config-locale lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Reboot lxqt-globalkeys Module Name lxqt-config-leave lxqt-admin-time Menu Entry lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Hibernate lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-config-monitor Menu Entry lxqt-admin-user Menu Entry lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Suspend Notification Daemon Module Name lxqt-sudo lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-config-powermanagement Menu Entry lxqt-config-appearance lxqt-policykit lxqt-session lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Logout lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Leave Dialog liblxqt-config-cursor lxqt-globalkeys Menu Entry lxqt-admin-time policy-kit Module Name lxqt-admin-user lxqt-powermanagement Module Name XScreenSaver Autostart Name lxqt-config-notificationd Menu Entry pavucontrol-qt lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Lock Screen lxqt-config-session Menu Entry lxqt-config-input Menu Entry lxqt-leave Menu Entry: Shutdown lxqt-config-input lxqt-config-file-associations lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-config-brightness lxqt-config-appearance Menu Entry lxqt-config-file-associations Menu Entry lxqt-config-brightness Menu Entry lxqt-config-notificationd lxqt-notificationd lxqt-config-session lxqt-config-locale Menu Entry GPL-3.0 lxqt-config-powermanagement LGPL-2.1 LXQt Settings (Category Name in menus) Other Settings (Category Name in Configuration Center) System Settings (in Configuration Center) Leave (Category Name in menus) Education & Science (Category Name in menus)
Number of strings 1,041
Number of words 3,622
Number of characters 25,184
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 1,058
Number of source words 3,667
Number of source characters 25,552
Some Qt styles may ignore these colors.
Niektoré štýly Qt môžu ignorovať tieto farby ignorovať.
2 weeks ago
Select Color
Vyberte farbyu
2 weeks ago
Select Color
Vyberte farbuy
2 weeks ago
User avatar 5

Translation changed

LXQt Configuration / lxqt-sessionSlovak

The DBus Activation Environment wasn't updated. Some apps might not work properly
Aktivačné prostredie DBus nebolo spusteaktualizované. Niektoré aplikácie nemusia fungovať správne.
2 weeks ago
User avatar 5

New contributor

LXQt Configuration / lxqt-sessionSlovak

New contributor 2 weeks ago
User avatar 5

New translation

LXQt Configuration / obconf-qtSlovak

ObConf-Qt is unsupported under Wayland.
Systém Wayland nepodporuje ObConf-Qt.
2 weeks ago
User avatar 5

Translation changed

LXQt Configuration / lxqt-config-sessionSlovak

2 weeks ago
Note: Under Wayland, power keys are configured by the compositor instead.
Poznámka: V systéme Wayland sa tlačidlá napájania nastavujú pomocou kompozitora.
2 weeks ago
New contributor 2 weeks ago
To apply the changes also to GTK, check LXQt Appearance Configuration → GTK Style.
Ak chcete zmeny aplikovať aj na GTK, vyberte položku Nastavenie vzhľadu LXQt → Štýl GTK.
2 weeks ago
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