Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Arqiver GPL-3.0 92% 236 717 14 4
FeatherNotes GPL-2.0 85% 2,007 6,691 473 12 23
FeatherPad GPL-2.0 87% 1,946 8,825 891 9 10
Kvantum Manager GPL-2.0 67% 3,280 37,806 465 1
Kvantum Preview This component is linked to the Tsujan/Kvantum Manager repository. GPL-2.0 72% 1,042 2,888 104 1 1
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Translation license GPL-2.0 FeatherNotes Kvantum Preview Kvantum Manager FeatherPad GPL-3.0 Arqiver
Number of strings 45,980
Number of words 225,326
Number of characters 1,429,273
Number of languages 41
Number of source strings 1,271
Number of source words 6,171
Number of source characters 39,162
User avatar Paolo

New translation

Tsujan / Kvantum ManagerSlovak

Iconless push buttons
Tlačidlá bez ikon
15 hours ago
User avatar Paolo

Translation changed

Tsujan / Kvantum ManagerSlovak

Transparent sidepane for PCManFM-qt
Priehľadný bočný panel pre PCManFM-qt.
15 hours ago
User avatar Paolo

New translation

Tsujan / Kvantum ManagerSlovak

Transparent sidepane for PCManFM-qt
Priehľadný bočný panel pre PCManFM-qt.
15 hours ago
User avatar Paolo

New translation

Tsujan / Kvantum ManagerSlovak

Merge PCManFM-qt's sidepane with its surroundings.

Under LXQt, it needs logging out and in or closing
PCManFM-qt and then, stopping and starting Desktop
with LXQt Session Settings.
Spojiť bočný panel PCManFM-qt s jeho okolitým prostredím.

Pod LXQt je potrebné sa odhlásiť a prihlásiť alebo zavrieť.
PCManFM-qt a potom zastavenie a spustenie Desktopu.
v nastaveniach LXQt Session.
15 hours ago
User avatar Paolo

New translation

Tsujan / Kvantum ManagerSlovak

<html><head/><body><p>Revert to the default (root) settings of this theme!</p><p>When clicked and confirmed, all changes to the configuration will be lost but the probable customized SVG file will remain intact.</p></body></html>
<html><head/><body><p>Vrátiť sa k predvoleným (root) nastaveniam tejto témy!</p><p>Po kliknutí a potvrdení sa všetky zmeny v konfigurácii stratia, ale pravdepodobne prispôsobený SVG súbor zostane neporušený.</p></body></html>
15 hours ago
User avatar Paolo

New translation

Tsujan / Kvantum ManagerSlovak

<center><b><i>Kvantum</i></b> comes with many themes but external themes can also be installed for being used by it. Here you could choose a theme folder and then press the button below to install it in your Home.</center>
<center><b><i>Kvantum</i></b> prichádza s mnohými témami, ale môžu sa nainštalovať aj externé témy, ktoré ho môžu používať. Tu si môžete vybrať priečinok s témou a potom stlačiť tlačidlo nižšie na jej inštaláciu do vášho domovského adresára.</center>
15 hours ago
User avatar Paolo

New contributor

Tsujan / Kvantum ManagerSlovak

New contributor 15 hours ago
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Tsujan / Kvantum Manager

Rebased repository 3 days ago
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Tsujan / Kvantum Manager

Rebased repository 5 days ago
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Tsujan / Kvantum Manager

Rebased repository a week ago
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