New translation project:

Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Desktop Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0
libfm-qt LGPL-2.1 1
liblxqt GPL-3.0
LXimage-qt GPL-2.0 98% 3 8 5
LXimage-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXimage-qt repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt-about GPL-2.0
LXQt-archiver GPL-2.0 99% 1 2
LXQt-runner GPL-2.0 92% 2 2 1
LXQt-runner Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-runner repository. GPL-2.0
PCManFm-qt GPL-3.0 98% 6 57 10
PcManFm-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0
Qlipper GPL-2.0
qps GPL-2.0
QTerminal GPL-2.0 91% 17 95 12
QTerminal DropDown Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0
QTerminal Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0
qtermwidget GPL-2.0
ScreenGrab GPL-2.0 98% 2 6
ScreenGrab Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/ScreenGrab repository. GPL-2.0
Project website
Instructions for translators

Welcome to the LXQt-Weblate Platform!

For adding language files that are not already present please contact administrators.

Credit for translations is added in the commit history in Github, by username and email. Credits for translations (shown in LXQt-About) can be inserted also in lxqt/lxqt-about/tree/master/translatorsinfo/

Translation license GPL-2.0 LXQt-about LXQt-archiver GPL-2.0 LXQt-about Menu Entry QTerminal DropDown Menu Entry Qlipper QTerminal Menu Entry Desktop Module Name PcManFm-qt Menu Entry (Desktop Preferences) qps Menu Entry LXQt-archiver Menu Entry qtermwidget QTerminal LXimage-qt Menu Entry LXQt-runner PcManFm-qt Menu Entry qps LXQt Wallet LXimage-qt ScreenGrab Menu Entry ScreenGrab LXQt-runner Module Name GPL-3.0 PCManFm-qt GPL-3.0 liblxqt LGPL-2.1 libfm-qt
Number of strings 1,988
Number of words 6,462
Number of characters 40,508
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 2,043
Number of source words 6,887
Number of source characters 44,353
User avatar None

New strings to translate

LXQt Desktop / ScreenGrabPortuguese (Brazil)

New strings to translate 8 days ago
User avatar None

Resource update

LXQt Desktop / ScreenGrabPortuguese (Brazil)

Resource update 8 days ago
User avatar None

New strings to translate

LXQt Desktop / QTerminalPortuguese (Brazil)

New strings to translate 2 weeks ago
User avatar None

Resource update

LXQt Desktop / QTerminalPortuguese (Brazil)

Resource update 2 weeks ago
User avatar None

New strings to translate

LXQt Desktop / LXQt-runnerPortuguese (Brazil)

New strings to translate 2 weeks ago
User avatar None

Resource update

LXQt Desktop / LXQt-runnerPortuguese (Brazil)

Resource update 2 weeks ago
Change window icon based on the terminal
Mudar o ícone da janela de acordo com o terminal
2 weeks ago
Semicolon separated categories in which the entry should be shown if it is used by the DE's main menu (e.g., when put inside ~/.local/share/applications).

It is needed only when you want to use the created file in the main menu. Otherwise, you could leave it empty.

Examples: AudioVideo, Audio, Video, Development, Education, Game, Graphics, Network, Office, Settings, System, Utility, Qt.
Categorias separadas por ponto e vírgula nas quais a entrada deve ser exibida se for utilizada pelo menu principal do ambiente de trabalho (por exemplo, quando inserida em ~/.local/share/applications).

Isso é necessário apenas quando você deseja usar o arquivo criado no menu principal. Caso contrário, você pode deixá-lo vazio.

Exemplos: AudioVideo, Audio, Video, Development, Education, Game, Graphics, Network, Office, Settings, System, Utility, Qt.
2 weeks ago
Semicolon separated categories in which the entry should be shown if it is used by the DE's main menu (e.g., when put inside ~/.local/share/applications).

It is needed only when you want to use the created file in the main menu. Otherwise, you could leave it empty.

Examples: AudioVideo, Audio, Video, Development, Education, Game, Graphics, Network, Office, Settings, System, Utility, Qt.
Categorias separadas por ponto e vírgula nas quais a entrada deve ser exibida se for utilizada pelo menu principal do ambiente de trabalho (por exemplo, quando inserida em ~/.local/share/applications).

Isso é necessário apenas quando você deseja usar o arquivo criado no menu principal. Caso contrário, você pode deixá-lo vazio.

Exemplos: Áudio e Vídeo, Áudio, Vídeo, Desenvolvimento, Educação, Jogo, Gráficos, Rede, Escritório, Configurações, Sistema, Utilitário, Qt.
2 weeks ago
lxsudo dbus-run-session -- %s
lxsudo dbus-run-session -- %s
2 weeks ago
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