Translation status

3 Strings 100% Translate
6 Words 100%

Other components

Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
QTerminal GPL-2.0 93% 14 62
qps GPL-2.0 95% 14 54 2 6
PCManFm-qt GPL-3.0 98% 6 26 3 11
LXimage-qt Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXimage-qt repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt-archiver Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-archiver repository. GPL-2.0
LXQt-about Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/LXQt-about repository. GPL-2.0
QTerminal DropDown Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0
Qlipper GPL-2.0 1
QTerminal Menu Entry This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/QTerminal repository. GPL-2.0
Desktop Module Name This component is linked to the LXQt Desktop/PCManFm-qt repository. GPL-2.0

Translation Information

Project website
Instructions for translators

Welcome to the LXQt-Weblate Platform!

For adding language files that are not already present please contact administrators.

Credits for translations (shown in LXQt-About) can be inserted in lxqt/lxqt-about/tree/master/translatorsinfo/

Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses monolingual files.
  • The translation base language can not be edited.
Translation license GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
Repository branch master
Last remote commit Weblate commits (#381) cbfd758
LXQtBot authored 2 days ago
Repository containing Weblate translations
Monolingual base language filetranslations/screengrab.desktop.yaml
Translation file translations/screengrab_fi.desktop.yaml
Screen Capture Program
Ohjelma kuvankaappauksien ottamiseen
a year ago
Screen capture
a year ago
Kuvankaappaus (ScreenGrab)
a year ago

Not sure if this can really be translated in any way.

However, there needs to be a way to differentiate from others.

With that said, Kuvankaappaus of course meaning Screenshot and (ScreenGrab) being the app's name, is the best I came up so far while trying to make it apparent what its purpose is and differentiate from others.

a year ago

Not sure if this can really be translated in any way.

However, there needs to be a way to differentiate from others.

With that said, Näytönkaappaus of course meaning Screen capture and (ScreenGrab) being the app's name, is the best I came up so far while trying to make it apparent what its purpose is and differentiate from others.

a year ago

Not sure if this can really be translated in any way.

However, there needs to be a way to differentiate from others.

With that said, Näytönkaappaus of course meaning Screen capture and (ScreenGrab) being the app's name, is the best I came up so far.

a year ago
Finnish a year ago
User avatar rautamiekka

New strings to translate

LXQt Desktop / ScreenGrab Menu EntryFinnish

New strings to translate a year ago
Resource update a year ago
Browse all translation changes


Percent Strings Words Chars
Total 3 6 46
Translated 100% 3 6 46
Needs editing 0% 0 0 0
Failing checks 0% 0 0 0

Last activity

Last change May 8, 2023, 10:41 p.m.
Last author Jouni Järvinen

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