Translation status

134 Strings 100% Translate
411 Words 100%

Other components

Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
lxqt-notificationd GPL-2.0 83% 1 3 1
lxqt-config-appearance This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0 88% 10 24
lxqt-config-locale This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0 90% 2 2
lxqt-config-session GPL-2.0 92% 6 33
lxqt-config-monitor This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0 93% 4 32
lxqt-config-notificationd This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-notificationd repository. GPL-2.0 94% 2 11
lxqt-config-input This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0 96% 2 29
lxqt-config-powermanagement GPL-3.0 98% 1 11
obconf-qt GPL-2.0
LXQt Configuration Center (Menu Entry) This component is linked to the LXQt Configuration/lxqt-config repository. GPL-2.0

Translation Information

Project website
Instructions for translators

Welcome to the LXQt-Weblate Platform!

For adding language files that are not already present please contact administrators.

Credits for translations (shown in LXQt-About) can be inserted in lxqt/lxqt-about/tree/master/translatorsinfo/

Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses bilingual files.
Translation license GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
Repository branch master
Last remote commit weblate commits (#297) 01d4356
LXQtBot authored a month ago
Repository containing Weblate translations
Translation file src/translations/pavucontrol-qt_hr.ts
User avatar None

Resource update

LXQt Configuration / pavucontrol-qtCroatian

Resource update 4 months ago
Connection to PulseAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s.<br><br>In this case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Environment/X11 Root Window Propertiesor default-server in client.conf is misconfigured.<br>This situation can also arrise when PulseAudio crashed and left stale details in the X11 Root Window.<br>If this is the case, then PulseAudio should autospawn again, or if this is not configured you shouldrun start-pulseaudio-x11 manually.
Povezivanje s PulseAudiom nije uspjelo. Pokušaj će se automatski ponoviti za 5 s.<br><br>Vjerojatno je PULSE_SERVER u Environment/X11 Root Window Properties ili je default-server u client.conf krivo konfiguriran.<br>Ova situacija također može nastati kada se PulseAudio sruši i napusti ustajale pojedinosti u korijenskom prozoru X11.<br>Ako je to slučaj, onda bi se PulseAudio trebao ponovno automatski pokrenuti, ili ako to nije konfigurirano, pokreni start-pulseaudio-x11 ručno.
a year ago
Connection to PulseAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s.<br><br>In this case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Environment/X11 Root Window Propertiesor default-server in client.conf is misconfigured.<br>This situation can also arrise when PulseAudio crashed and left stale details in the X11 Root Window.<br>If this is the case, then PulseAudio should autospawn again, or if this is not configured you shouldrun start-pulseaudio-x11 manually.
Povezivanje s PulseAudiom nije uspjelo. Pokušaj će se automatski ponoviti za 5 s.<br><br>Vjerojatno je PULSE_SERVER u Environment/X11 Root Window Properties ili je default-server u client.conf krivo konfiguriran.<br>Ova situacija također može nastati kada se PulseAudio sruši i napusti ustajale pojedinosti u korijenskom prozoru X11.<br>Ako je to slučaj, onda bi se PulseAudio trebao ponovno automatski pokrenuti, ili ako to nije konfigurirano, pokreni start-pulseaudio-x11 ručno.
a year ago
User avatar standreas

New string to translate

LXQt Configuration / pavucontrol-qtCroatian

New string to translate a year ago
Resource update a year ago
Connection to PulseAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s.<br><br>In this case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Environment/X11 Root Window Propertiesor default-server in client.conf is misconfigured.<br>This situation can also arrise when PulseAudio crashed and left stale details in the X11 Root Window.<br>If this is the case, then PulseAudio should autospawn again, or if this is not configured you shouldrun start-pulseaudio-x11 manually.
Povezivanje s PulseAudiom nije uspjelo. Automatski pokušaj ponovo za 5 sekuni.<br><br>U ovom se slučaju vjerojatno radi o tome da je PULSE_SERVER krivo konfiguriran u client.conf, u okruženju/X11 Root Window Propertiesor standardnom polsužitelju.<br>Ova se situacija također može dogoditi kada se PulseAudio sruši i ostavi ustajale detalje u X11 Root Windowsu.<br>U tom bi se slučaju PulseAudio trebao automatski ponovo pokrenuti, ali ako to nije konfigurirano, ručno pokreni „start-pulseaudio-x11“.
a year ago
Connection to PulseAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s.<br><br>In this case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Environment/X11 Root Window Propertiesor default-server in client.conf is misconfigured.<br>This situation can also arrise when PulseAudio crashed and left stale details in the X11 Root Window.<br>If this is the case, then PulseAudio should autospawn again, or if this is not configured you shouldrun start-pulseaudio-x11 manually.
Povezivanje s PulseAudiom nije uspjelo. Automatski pokušaj ponovo za 5 sekuni.<br><br>U ovom se slučaju vjerojatno radi o tome da je PULSE_SERVER krivo konfiguriran u client.conf, u okruženju/X11 Root Window Propertiesor standardnom polsužitelju.<br>Ova se situacija također može dogoditi kada se PulseAudio sruši i ostavi ustajale detalje u X11 Root Windowsu.<br>U tom bi se slučaju PulseAudio trebao automatski ponovo pokrenuti, ali ako to nije konfigurirano, ručno pokreni „start-pulseaudio-x11“.
a year ago
User avatar None

New string to translate

LXQt Configuration / pavucontrol-qtCroatian

New string to translate a year ago
User avatar None

Resource update

LXQt Configuration / pavucontrol-qtCroatian

Resource update a year ago
Retry forever if pa quits (every 5 seconds).
Pokušaj ponovo unedogled, ako se PA zatvori (svakih 5 s).
4 years ago
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Percent Strings Words Chars
Total 134 411 3,923
Translated 100% 134 411 3,923
Needs editing 0% 0 0 0
Failing checks 0% 0 0 0

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Last change April 17, 2023, 2:28 p.m.
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