Syntax: obconf [options] [ARCHIVE.obt] Options: --helpDisplay this help and exit --versionDisplay the version and exit --install ARCHIVE.obt Install the given theme archive and select it --archive THEMECreate a theme archive from the given theme directory --config-file FILESpecify the path to the config file to use
Syntax:語法: obconf [options] [ARCHIVE.obt] Options:選項: --helpDisplay this help and exit --versionDisplay the version and exit --install ARCHIVE.obt Install the given theme archive and select it --archive THEMECreate a theme archive from the given theme directory --config-file FILESpecify the path to the config file to use顯示說明並離開 --version顯示版本並離開 --install ARCHIVE.obt 安裝所指定的主題封檔並選用它 --archive THEME建立主題封檔來自所指定的主題目錄 --config-file FILE指明路徑的設定檔案來使用
Desktop margins are reserved areas on the edge of your screen.New windows will not be placed within a margin, and maximized windows will not cover them.
--help Display this help and exit
--version Display the version and exit
--install ARCHIVE.obt Install the given theme archive and select it
--archive THEME Create a theme archive from the given theme directory
--config-file FILE Specify the path to the config file to use
Syntax:語法: obconf [options] [ARCHIVE.obt]Options:選項:--help
Display this help and exit顯示說明並離開--version Display the version and exit
--install ARCHIVE.obt Install the given theme archive and select it
--archive THEME Create a theme archive from the given theme directory
--config-file FILE Specify the path to the config file to use
--version 顯示版本並離開
--install ARCHIVE.obt 安裝所指定的主題封檔並選用它
--archive THEME 建立主題封檔來自所指定的主題目錄
--config-file FILE 指明路徑的設定檔案來使用