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Meteo-qt GPL-3.0
Project website
Translation license GPL-3.0 Meteo-qt
Number of strings 334
Number of words 1,557
Number of characters 12,058
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 334
Number of source words 1,557
Number of source characters 12,058
User avatar feikedonia

Translation changed

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

Data error, please try again later
or modify the name of the city
Gegevensfout:, probeer het later opnieuw
of wijzig de locatienaam.naam van de stad
a month ago
User avatar feikedonia

Translation changed

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

Sea: Ripples with the appearance of scales are formed,but without foam crests
Land: Smoke drift indicates wind direction. Leaves and wind vanes are stationary
Zee: als schellen uitziende kabbelingen worden gevormd, maar zonder schuimkruinen
Land: rook geeft de windrichting aan. Bladeren en windvaantjes staan stil (stationair)
a month ago
User avatar feikedonia

Translation changed

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

a month ago
User avatar feikedonia

Marked for edit

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

Sea: Ripples with the appearance of scales are formed,but without foam crests
Land: Smoke drift indicates wind direction. Leaves and wind vanes are stationary
Zee: als schellen uitziende kabbelingen worden gevormd, maar zonder schuimkruinen
Land: rook geeft de windrichting aan. Bladeren en windvaantjes staan stil (stationair)
a month ago
User avatar feikedonia

New contributor

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

New contributor a month ago
User avatar Vistaus

New translation

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

<p>Author: Dimitrios Glentadakis
<a href=""></a>
<p>A simple application showing the weather status
information on the system tray.
<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
<br/>Data source: <a href="">
<br/>This software uses icons from the
<a href="">Oxygen Project</a>.
<p>To translate meteo-qt in your language or contribute to
current translations, you can use the
<a href="">
Weblate</a> platform.
<p>If you want to report a dysfunction or a suggestion,
feel free to open an issue in
<a href="">
<p>Maker: Dimitrios Glentadakis
<a href=""></a>
<p>Een eenvoudig programma voor het tonen van weerinformatie
in het systeemvak.
<p>Website: <a href=""></a>
<br/>Gegevensbron: <a href="">
<br/>Deze software maakt gebruik van pictogrammen uit het
<a href="">Oxygenproject</a>.
<p>Help mee met vertalen op
<a href="">
<p>Meld problemen en ideeën door een ‘issue’ te openen op
<a href="">
7 months ago
User avatar Vistaus

New translation

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

<p>standreas <a href=""></a><br/> [it] Italian translation, Weblate
<p>standreas <a href=""></a><br/> [it] Italiaanse vertaling, via Weblate
7 months ago
User avatar Vistaus

New translation

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

<p>Ozkar L. Garcell <a href=""></a><br/> Teo Laírla (teolairlasg) <a href=""></a><br/> [es] Spanish translation
<p>Ozkar L. Garcell <a href=""></a><br/> Teo Laírla (teolairlasg) <a href=""></a><br/> [es] Spaanse vertaling
7 months ago
User avatar Vistaus

New contributor

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

New contributor 7 months ago
User avatar yan12125

New strings to translate

dglent / Meteo-qtDutch

New strings to translate 7 months ago
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