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phototonic GPL-3.0
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Translation license GPL-3.0 phototonic
Number of strings 392
Number of words 1,528
Number of characters 10,113
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 392
Number of source words 1,528
Number of source characters 10,113
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

<p>Bangs allow you to use external commands to generate the list of shown images.<br>The main purpose is to query databases like locate, baloo or tracker, but anything that can generate a list of image files is suitable</p><p>The token <b>%s</b> in the command will be replaced with the parameter.</p><p>Eg. for plocate, using the shortcut <i>locate</i> and the command<br><i>bash -c "locate -i '*%s*' | grep --line-buffered -iE '(jpe?g|png)$'"</i><br>allows you to enter <i>locate:waldo</i> to display indexed jpg's and png's of waldo.</p><p>Phototonic tests the files for existence and will remove duplicates (including file and directory symlinks.</p>
<p>Bangs allow you to use external commands to generate the list of shown images.<br>The main purpose is to query databases like locate, baloo or tracker, but anything that can generate a list of image files is suitable</p><p>The token <b>%s</b> in the command will be replaced with the parameter.</p><p>Eg. for plocate, using the shortcut <i>locate</i> and the command<br><i>bash -c "locate -i '*%s*' | grep --line-buffered -iE '(jpe?g|png)$'"</i><br>allows you to enter <i>locate:waldo</i> to display indexed jpg's and png's of waldo.</p><p>Phototonic tests the files for existence and will remove duplicates (ფაილსი და საქაღალდის სიმბმულების ჩათვლით.</p>
13 days ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

<h2>[substring] [/ constraint [/ more constraints]]</h2><tt>foo / &gt; 5d &lt; 1M / &lt; 10kb</tt><br><i>matches foo, older than 5 days but younger than a month - or below 10kB</i><ul><li>Bigger than/After: &gt;</li><li>Smaller than/Before: &lt;</li><li>The exact age or (rounded) size is otherwise implied or explicit with: =</li></ul><hr><ul><li>Dates are absolute (YYYY-MM-DD) or relative (5m:h:d:w:M:y)</li><li>Sizes are suffixed 4kB:MB:GB or 4MP (mega-pixel)</li><li>Dimensions are pre/in/suffixed "x" ([width]x[height])</li><li>Chromatic variance is suffixed [0-255]cr (real values will rarely be > 100)</li><li>Luminance is suffixed [0.0-1.0]|[0-255]lm</li></ul><i>All suffixes are case-insensitive but m|inute and M|onth</i><br>Subsequent "/" start a new sufficient condition group, the substring match is optional.<hr>In addition you can filter for <b>black, white, dark, bright, monochrome, gray</b> and the colors<br><b>red, orange, yellow, lime, green, mint, cyan, azure, blue, purple, magenta, pink</b>
<h2>[substring] [/ constraint [/ more constraints]]</h2><tt>foo / &gt; 5d &lt; 1M / &lt; 10kb</tt><br><i>matches foo, older than 5 days but younger than a month - or below 10kB</i><ul><li>Bigger than/After: &gt;</li><li>Smaller than/Before: &lt;</li><li>The exact age or (rounded) size is otherwise implied or explicit with: =</li></ul><hr><ul><li>Dates are absolute (YYYY-MM-DD) or relative (5m:h:d:w:M:y)</li><li>Sizes are suffixed 4kB:MB:GB or 4MP (mega-pixel)</li><li>Dimensions are pre/in/suffixed "x" ([width]x[height])</li><li>Chromatic variance is suffixed [0-255]cr (real values will rarely be > 100)</li><li>Luminance is suffixed [0.0-1.0]|[0-255]lm</li></ul><i>All suffixes are case-insensitive but m|inute and M|onth</i><br>Subsequent "/" start a new sufficient condition group, the substring match is optional.<hr>In addition you can filter for <b>black, white, dark, bright, monochrome, gray</b> and the colors<br><b>red, orange, yellow, lime, green, mint, cyan, azure, blue, purple, magenta, ვარდისფერი</b>
13 days ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

Run a single instance of Phototonic or open files in such already running.
Phototonic-ის ერთი გაშვებული ასლის ქონე თუ უკვე გაშვებულში გახსნა.
2 weeks ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

[FILE...] | [DIRECTORY] | [-]
[ფაილი...] | [საქაღალდე] | [-]
2 weeks ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

files or directory to open, "-" to read them from stdin.
გასახსნელი ფაილები ან საქაღალდე. "-" მათი stdin-დან წასაკითხად.
2 weeks ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

2 weeks ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

2 weeks ago
User avatar NorwayFun

Translation changed

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

2 weeks ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

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ფერით დალაგება
2 weeks ago
User avatar NorwayFun

New translation

Luebking / phototonicGeorgian

Filter - try "/?"...
ფილტრი - სცადეთ "/?"...
2 weeks ago
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