Component | Translated | Untranslated | Untranslated words | Checks | Suggestions | Comments | |
Meteo-qt GPL-3.0 | |||||||
Project website | | |
Translation license | GPL-3.0 Meteo-qt | |
Number of strings | 334 | |
Number of words | 1,557 | |
Number of characters | 12,058 | |
Number of languages | 1 | |
Number of source strings | 334 | |
Number of source words | 1,557 | |
Number of source characters | 12,058 |
Land: Whole trees in motion. Effort neededto walk against the wind
More:More sa zdúva. Vietor odfukuje z lámajúcich sa vĺn penu. Stredné množstvo kvapiek vo vzduchuPevnina: Celé stromy v pohybe. Chôdza proti vetru je náročná